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Try our cutting edge social listening tool free for 14 days

Reporting & Benchmarking

Save hours with automatic, custom social media reporting.

Social Media Benchmarking, show case your performance on social media to your stakeholders.


Save hours with fully custom, automatic reports that download in PowerPoint.

Features included:

  • Competitor Intelligence

Comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • Audience Insights

Comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • Paid ad cost metrics

Delivers a comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • Sentiment

A comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • Organic engagement metrics

Zavy delivers a comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • Content tagging

Extensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • AI post captions

Comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

  • AI comment Insights

Side-by-side comparisons of your data vs your competitors, helping you uncover actionable insights within a fraction of the time

  • Insight reporting

Comprehensive range of metrics, including organic engagement and paid advertising, along with advanced

Complex data, simple design

Discover in-depth findings, delivered in beautiful, human centric design.


Fully editable reports, so you can make it on brand

Edit fonts, colors, and more to reflect your brand guidelines and social media strategy.

No credit card required.
Social media scoreboard, competitive benchmarking done differently.

Benchmark against other brands in your industry

The Zavy Scoreboard ranks brands based on their Zavy Score - a social score that incorporates sentiment and engagement based on relationship to ROI.

It's never been easier to benchmark your brand on social media or to showcase how well your brand is doing on social media to stakeholders - within a single glance.

No credit card required.
Social media reporting and benchmarking.

Reporting that anyone in the room can understand.

Effortlessly report all your key KPIs, including organic and paid activities, to your stakeholders in a clear and simple format.

No credit card required.
Social media scoreboard, competitive benchmarking done differently. Social media reporting. Create social media reports that generate as fully editable PowerPoints. Save hours as a social media manager.

Save hours with fully editable social media reports that download to PowerPoint.

Report on organic and paid activity from Awareness, Engagement, Conversion, to Advocacy and benchmark against competitor brands.

Choose the date ranges, formulas, and KPIs that matter to your social media strategy.

Showcase your social media performance to stakeholders with beautiful, custom, instant social media reports.

No credit card required.

"The Zavy Score is a defensible metric for reporting brand performance and health on social to those outside of the marketing team.It’s not a CTR or CPM. It’s an objective consistent score. If the Zavy Score goes up, it’s a really good signifier that our content is engaging and connecting with our audience.”

Aaron Child, Social and Digital Manager

Try Zavy for free.

No credit card required.

See where your brand sits on The Zavy Scoreboard, unlock AI powered strategic and content insights, and plan and publish your social media posts.

No credit card required.
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